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Many believe that Professionalism is different according to what your job is and who your client is. There is increasing discussion and interpretation centred on ‘professionalism’ and there needs to be clarity as broker’s duties and responsibilities are increasingly coming under the spotlight.

What brokers can afford to do for the remuneration they receive and what they are obliged to do by law to meet ordinary standards of professionalism are two very different things and the true definition of professional needs addressing, as it is the law which is the final arbiter of ‘professionalism’.

Transparency is the key buzz word and we have to ensure that we are transparent. Being professional is the main differentiator between brokers, aggregators and direct writers, transparency will go a long way to showing professional standards but ultimately we still have to win the confidence of the insurance buying public.

Maybe that by adopting and maintaining high standards of day-to-day business practice will enhance brokers' professional skills, increase profitability and create a sustainable “professional, advisory-broking” business model to meet future needs of both the insurance buyer and the insurance industry.

Evolve will help your business meet and exceed these standards.

Are you professional?

Of course you are!

There are three categories of people in industry - the few who make things happen, the many who watch things happen, and the overwhelming majority who have no idea what happened.

O A Battista